
In Game Focus: Knowing When to Say When

It’s been my purpose to introduce the idea of including in one’s handicap a feel not only for the relative superiority of teams, but also for how they profile in terms of their scoring distribution. As pace handicappers say to speed handicappers at the racetrack, “It’s not just how fast they run, it’s how they run fast.” Statistically speaking to become an in-game handicapper is to track stuff like first drive efficiency, mirror scoring (how they respond to an opponent’s drive), scoring acceleration or de-acceleration (interpreted in some cases as how well both DL and OL lines hold up and in others as a coach’s tendency in the trail situation to leave “the book” and start to risk). Maybe next year, or over the summer, we can explore the theory and execution of that stuff more thoroughly.

“The Pinnacle Pulse” had a writeup on in-game soccer betting this week, and if you’re interested in developing an approach to in-game CFB wagering there are certainly ideas on which to riff: It’s here.

Also, if you’re interesting in learning more about the academic discipline of Decision Science so as to deepen and extend your approach to betting I’d like to recommend a free course. It begins today, but I’m sure it will be offered again. It’s here.

This is the time of the year I turn my attention to preparing to bet college basketball, and so I’m going to end my regular contributions. I’ve enjoyed the interaction with my fellow handicappers, and wish you continued success.

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4 thoughts on “In Game Focus: Knowing When to Say When”

  1. Morgan Lopez says:

    I’ve enjoyed your columns and appreciated your insights. Where can we go to mine your college hoops knowledge?

  2. Jack Hart says:

    Thanks for the kind words Morgan…I’m a private bettor so won’t be doing any writing this season. I think it would be fun to exchange opinons with conference specialists, but college hoops entails such a workload that it’s even hard to take a break from handicapping long enough to write about handicapping!

    I do hope to do some talking and writing with the SaturdayEdge cappers over the off-season to develop some new topics to write about next year.

  3. Tom Fennell says:

    thats to bad i would have loved to follow your hoop picks
    i wish this site had extended coverage of hoops
    any one in other forums you recomend to look at as far as picks go?thanks

  4. TrentMoney says:

    Thanks for the contributions…been very insightful and enjoyable

    Good Luck

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2023 CFB Premium Pick Results 

GOSOONERS         37-33 (52.86%)
PEZGORDO           97-85 (53.30%)

YTD RECORD       145-123 (54.10%)