2015 SabertStxVii Pre-Season Op-Ed: Why?
I’ve been getting asked by quite a few people, “Why should I sign up for Saturday Edge,” and after 3 years since the launch of this site, I think I finally have a complete answer.
To be honest, I didn’t really know where the site was going to go when we launched it. I knew Tim and GoSooners from the forum days, and I knew they had a great reputation. Little did I know that we all shared the same vision of how to improve upon the flawed-forum handicapping.
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Great write-up Sabert. I personally do not look at it as purchasing picks. The information is far more valuable to me then the picks. I love to handicap my own games but do not have enough time to review all the games. You guys do a terrific job of analyzing games and providing enough information so that I can make my own decision on which games to bet.
Keep up the great work and good luck this season.